Monday, July 03, 2006

Cable Knit Purse

I read this entire thread today. It makes me wish I could knit at work. At least I can use the 'net to look at patterns! I've told myself that I'm not going to buy any yarn until July 15, when the Knit Nook has their sale. Instead, I'm just going to make a list of the next five to ten projects I wanna knock out, then buy all the yarn the 15th. I just need to figure out where to store all that yarn.

At least it'll give me time to finish my caridgan and ribbed scarf, which my stye has prevented me from making progress on. It's just so hard to find motivation to finish a scarf in July. Maybe I'll put that off a bit longer, and just avoid using size 10 needles.



Blogger Obsidian Kitten said...

i'm SO glad you got the pattern for the cable-knit purse! (bangle-handles = great idea)

that craftster thread was insane...

it's such a cute bag. can't believe retail is $200...

1:23 AM  

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